2nd Economic and Social Strategic Plan of Barcelona

  • 30-11-1994
  • 13932 Reading

The second Strategic Plan of Barcelona was approved on 30 November 1994.

2nd Economic and Social Strategic Plan of Barcelona

General objective:

To accentuate the integration of the area of Barcelona in the international economy in order to guarantee its growth in terms of progress in economic, social and quality of life terms.

Strategic lines:

  • To facilitate the adaptation processes of the Barcelona area's economic sectors to the requirements of the international economy.
  • To scale actions in the territorial sphere.
  • To advance proposals that allow a response to the new demands for social integration.
  • To strengthen all those economic activities that can guarantee the city's presence in the international spheres of reference (logistics, health, industry, etc.)
  • To favour good positioning for Barcelona within the European sphere.



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