
Coordination department


Francesc Santacana

General Coordinator of the PEMB (1988-2013)

The vision that Barcelona wants to project for its future is that of a dynamic European metropolis, solidly established in the macro-geography where it is geographically located, with a modern and socially balanced quality of life rooted in Mediterranean culture. […] 

Barcelona's strategic planning has become such a benchmark worldwide that it has established a specific participatory model. […] 

Urban governance has been achieved in Barcelona by integrating different groups and actors that organise to carry out a collective strategy. And with regard to the metropolis itself, we have achieved a city with a common language. A city whose social and economic actors fit like pieces going in the same direction.


Carles Castells

General Coordinator of the PEMB (2013-2016)

In recent years, the Plan has been a rather unique tool for forging social, institutional and political consensus about the future model of the city.

We recognise its intangible role, which no other institution has been able to play: a tool that produces consensus, and not just politically, on the medium-term vision of the city. I am one of those who think that this is a unique and distinct part of Barcelona's DNA: a way of permanently remaining concerned about what we want to be and where we want to go.


Oriol Estela

General Coordinator of the PEMB (since 2016)

We receive the legacy of the 30-year history of the Barcelona Metropolitan Strategic Plan in recognition of the work done by those who came before us, both in institutional responsibilities and in the operations of the Coordination Office. We also wish to express gratitude for the commitment of the participating organisations and their partners, as well as admiration for their visionary power and success in achieving the fundamental objectives set by the successive plans.

We also receive it with the responsibility to start a new process that continues making strategic planning a useful tool to build the future of the metropolitan city. A city that adapts to the changes that new times require in order to face challenges similar to those in the first plans: to make a leap in territorial scale, to consolidate the urban fabric, to improve infrastructure and to make global changes fit in the local economy.

We will also need to cope with new needs and problems and give older ones a more central focus, such as ageing, pollution, housing and others. We will also need to find formulas to correct some of the unforeseen consequences of the city's success in attracting investment, talent and visitors from around the world. And we will have to recover the social focus that was such a part of the first plan, because then as now, inequalities remain the main warning sign that things need to be changed.

Either way, 30 years of urban strategic planning are a legacy of which very few cities in the world can boast. As a tool for dialogue and agreement with a vision of the future and involving over 300 institutions, organisations and people, the Barcelona Metropolitan Strategic Plan Association is an asset that the metropolitan city must use to its maximum advantage.

We look forward to seeing you in the next 30 years!

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