Sustainable architecture building for the Blood and Tissue Bank

- Environmental protection and sustainable urban systems
- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- Developing
- Operating
- Stand-by
It is a building of architectural simplicity, that is committed to sustainability by incorporating the most innovative strategies that allow an energy saving of 87% in comparison with a conventional building. It was inaugurated in July 2010.
Manel Royes, Special State Delegate to the Zona Franca Consortium of Barcelona.
The new Blood and Tissue Bank (BST) headquarters is located at the junction of Passeig de Taulat with Carrer Bilbao and Carrer Lope de Vega, in the Poblenou district.
The building groups together the different activities of the Blood and Tissue Bank and is the workplace of many of the organisation’s six hundred staff. From this new headquarters, blood components are supplied to all the hospitals and public and private clinics in Catalonia, serving a reference population of over eight million people. It also houses the Human Tissues Bank and is the headquarters of the Umbilical Cord Blood Bank, which centralises the inter-territorial Concòrdia programme, to which fifty.four maternity hospitals in Catalonia and other autonomous communities in Spain as well as the Principality of Andorra are affiliated.
Its construction has represented an investment of some 35 million euros, on land ceded by Barcelona City Council, and it is a part of the transformation of the old industrial neighbourhood of Poblenou, forming part of the medical cluster in the technological district 22@.