CRAM Foundation

- Environmental protection and sustainable urban systems
- 2010
- 2011
- Developing
- Operating
- Stand-by
The CRAM is a non-profit foundation, responsible for attending to any endangered marine animals beached along the Catalan coastline, in accordance with an agreement signed with the Catalan Government. In addition to its clinical and rescue activity, the foundation also runs conservation and research projects with organisations from the scientific and university sector and develops educational and social awareness-raising activities based around the marine environment, with special emphasis on the social values of respecting the environment.
Ferran Alegre Ninou, chair of the CRAM Foundation.
The Foundation for the Conservation and Recovery of Marine Animals (CRAM) has begun its activities at the new centre located on the former golf course in El Prat del Llobregat. The new facility has a clinical area for recovery of animals, an education, administration and personnel building, and a third building dedicated to post-mortem studies. This is a pioneering centre on a European level in the management and conservation of endangered marine animals. The clinic is equipped with operating theatres, X-rays, ultrasound and other medical apparatus that allows precise diagnoses to be made. Furthermore, the post-mortem studies area allows scientists to carry out necropsies to find out the reasons for the deaths of some of the animals in order to generate specific knowledge that is very useful in research and conservation activities. Moreover, the recovery centre allows thousands of annual visitors to be received.