Who's who?
The Advisory Committee is in charge of monitoring the process of production of the new Plan 2030 in order to guarantee its internal consistency. It is chaired by Xavier Vives, Chair Professor of Economics and Finances at the IESE.
Coordinated by:
Oriol Estela, General Coordinator of the PEMB
Its members are:
- Jordi Balló, UPF
- Quim Brugué, UAB
- Aurora Catà, partner of Seeliger y Conde
- Pere Duran, former Director of Tourism of Barcelona (2004-2014)
- Ramon Folch. Estudi Ramon Folch i Associats
- Teresa Garcia-Milà, UPF and Barcelona GSE
- Antoni Garrido, UB
- Carlos Losada, ESADE
- Josep Parcerisa, UPC
- Lluís Torner, ICFO
- Carme Trilla, Caritas
- Antoni Zabalza, University of València and Ercros.
Joan Ramon Rovira of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce is the writer/editor. Lluís Torrens, IESE, and David Rodríguez, PEMB are responsible for the Committee's technical secretariat.
The members of the Advisory Committee have analysed the Base Document and have detected some aspects in which deeper detail was needed. For this reason, around twenty diagnosis papers have been commissioned which will be debated at the workshops.
The experts who have participated in producing these papers are:
Daniel Albalate. Oriol Amat. Carles Barba. Miquel Barceló. Amand Blanes. Quim Brugué. Andreu Domingo. José Antonio Donaire. Juan Antonio Duro. Xavier Ferràs. Teresa García-Milà. Narcís Mir. Antonio Monegal. Oriol Nel·lo. Josep Parcerisa. Ángel Pascual-Ramsay. Francesc Pedró. Francesc Quintana. Carles Ramió. Joan Ramon Rovira. Joan Enric Ricart. Itzel Sanromà. Sebastià Sarasa. Joaquím Solà. Francesc Solà. Albert Terrones. Lluís Torrens. Manel Villalante.