What is the Plan?
The Barcelona Metropolitan Strategic Plan (Pla Estratègic Metropolità de Barcelona - PEMB) is a private, not-for-profit association —promoted by Barcelona City Council and the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona— presided over by the president of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB)
The PEMB is an instrument for identifying the needs and potential of the territory in the medium term, for foreseeing tendencies and threats and for making proposals to tackle the future in the best conditions.
It follows a work method and philosophy based on:
- Promoting the participation of the actors involved
- Enabling consensus between diverging interests
- Prioritising decisions
- Shared leadership
The PEMB's objectives are expressed through the approval of the metropolitan strategic plans. We are currently working on the process called 'Barcelona Demà' to elaborate the new strategic plan 2030 for the 5 million inhabitants of the metropolitan city.