Executive Committee

The Executive Committee assumes by delegation those functions it considers opportune for the proper and expedite functioning of the Association. It also takes charge of transmitting to the Steering Council the information and documentation necessary for taking decisions.

The Executive Committee is made up of a maximum of 15 people, appointed by the Steering Council, proposed by the founding institutions and the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. The posts of President and Vice-President are designated by the Steering Council from among the members of the Executive Committee.

Janet Sanz Cid, Vice-president of Climate Accion and Strategic Metropolitan Agenda of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona

Economic and social founding institutions
Aena - Josep Tarradellas Barcelona-El Prat Airport. Eva Valenzuela Martí, Director
Barcelona City Council. Laia Bonet Rull, Deputy Mayor of Ecology, Urban Planning, Infrastructures, Mobility, Urban Space and Housing
Port of Barcelona. Santiago García-Milà. General Deputy Director of Strategy and Sales
Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navegation of Barcelona. Xavier Sunyer Déu, member of the Executive Committee
Economics Circle. Miquel Nadal Segala, General Director
Comissions Obreres (trade union). Liliana Reyes Hernández, New Realities of Work, Territory and Migrations Secretary
Zona Franca Consortium of Barcelona. Ramón Xuclà Comas, General Secretary
Barcelona Provincial Council. Eva Menor Cantador, President of the Economic Development, Tourism and Trade Area
Fira Barcelona (trade fair). Constantí Serrallonga Tintoré, General Director
Foment del Treball Nacional (employers' federation). Salvador Guillermo Viñeta, Director of Economic and Fiscal Studies
Unió General de Treballadors (trade union) of Catalonia. Omar Minguillón Garcia, Secretary of the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona
University of Barcelona. Xavier Testar Ymbert, Delegate of the Dean for Special Innovation Actions

Proposed by the AMB
Guillem Espriu Avendaño, Director of the Presidency Area of the AMB
Iñigo García de Enterría, Councilor of the Cerdanyola City Council
Raquel Gil Eiroá, Councilor of Metropolitan Policy Analysis of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area
M. Assumpció Laïlla Jou, Councilor of the Nou Barris District in the Barcelona City Council

The meetings of the Executive Committee are attended by the PEMB's General Coordinator, Oriol Estela Barnet.


Update: January 2024

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